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Peace of Mind with Mobile Device Support

Software | November 12, 2020 | Addison Pasiuk

Smart phones and tablets have become standard business tools for both mobile, office and work from home staff. Mobile down time is a pain we have all experienced with our businesses from one time or another. From screens freezing, to important documents not saving, we know how crucial it is to have mobile support to ensure your companies peace of mind. As COVID-19 restrictions have increased, we found it necessary to invest in tools that would let us assist Lower Mainland businesses without physically contacting personal or corporate mobile devices. 

What does this look like? 

Remote assistance for your Android or iPhone mobiles follows a quite simple and effective protocol. Our support is powered by one of our remote vendorsSplashtop SOS. Splashtop is a reliable and secure on-demand system which allows us to access your mobile device or desktop computer as if we were sitting next to you. With a unique one-time code provided over the phonewe can enter your device from afar and quickly identify any issues to then deploy a solution. Especially during this pandemic scenario, we encourage you to take advantage of this value-added service to ensure quick fixes for your mobile IT problems.  

Where is this valuable for my business? 

There are many situations where mobile support is of benefit to your operations. One example where our clients have expressed great frustration with their devices is email syncing and business apps and backup functions. Allow us to step in over the phone and alleviate this headache for you permanently with support and training. 

How do I access Mobile Support? 

We have made the process as user-friendly as possible to ensure appropriate support. To start the process; 

  1. Send us a message through our above Conversation Button to open a new support ticket. 
  1. Download the Splashtop SOS App (https://sos.splashtop.com/) 
  1. Phone in or wait for a call from one of our support technicians 

Limitations of Danory Mobile Support 

With our experience we have run into a few restrictions for you to take into consideration when looking for  mobile support. First off, iPhones are view-only by security design. This means that while we are able to assist in fixing the problem, you will still need to stick around to operate the phone yourself. The second limit is that this is on-demand support. What that entails is that we can only gain access when you call in with your rotating 9-digit code. Thirdly, it does require the install of the Splashtop SOS app. This must be completed before we can provide our assistance. Finally, if you have a BYOD (bring-your-own-device) policy we limit our fixes to business systems but may require your access to Apple IDs or Google accounts.Make sure to review these limitations and understand the implications that apply to your business.  

 If you would like to learn more about our mobile support services, please contact Danory Technology Partners at 604-371-0714 or by filling out a contact form on our website. 

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